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Leslie Hershberger

Consultant, master teacher, coach, spiritual guide, facilitator and mentor, Leslie Hershberger, LLC

About this speaker

Leslie Hershberger MA has been working with the Enneagram through The Centers Approach for over 20 years as a consultant, master teacher, facilitator, coach, spiritual guide, mentor and practitioner.

While she’s done deep dive study in the Enneagram and has written countless articles, her Enneagram expertise has come from years of “boots on the ground” work with hundreds of real people in countless settings: universities, businesses, schools, churches, non-profits, recovery communities and hospitals.

She is a believer in the notion of “lineage” which means that expertise and practical skills come from and through people who have devoted their lives to a core competency in mature adult development. The core building blocks that have shaped and informed her work include:

  • The Narrative Enneagram with Founders Helen Palmer and David Daniels MD
  • Enneagram in Business with Ginger Lapid Bogda PhD
  • Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory
  • Master’s in inter-spiritual/contemplative theology
  • Robert Kegan’s Developmental Psychology: Theory of the Evolving Self
  • Thomas Hübl’s Collective Conscious Healing

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The Centers Approach

Leslie Hershberger